American Coating Technologies

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American Coating Roadway Liners

American Coating Technologies manufactures a liner system designed to be used both as a roadway, and secondary containment for petroleum products.

This product is made of a woven polypropylene material, which is reinforced with nylon threads. We spray our poly urea on the topside of this material 70 mil thick. We finish our roadways with a non-slip material, and lock this material in with an additional 10 mil of poly urea.

We always cover the existing roadway with unsprayed geo textile, and we install our roadway on top. The first layer of geotextile protects the underside of the roadway from puncture and the poly urea coat provides additional strength to the liner system.

Our system will meet all regulations for secondary containment within the petroleum industry. However, now you can drive trucks and heavy equipment on your liner without fearing damage to the integrity of the secondary containment.


American Coating Technologies manufactures a liner system designed to be used both as a roadway, and secondary containment for petroleum products

a liner system designed to be used both as a roadway, and secondary containment for petroleum products manufactured by American Coating Technologies


American Coating Technologies

American Coating Technologies